Baltic States - vertaling naar spaans
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Baltic States - vertaling naar spaans

Baltic state; Baltic Republics; Tourism in the Baltics; Baltics; Baltic Countries; Balticum; Baltic Soviet Republics; The Baltics; Baltic republics; Baltic country; Baltic sea country; Baltic Sea Country; Baltic Country; Baltic Sea country; Baltic State; The Baltic countries; The Baltic Countries; Baltic countrys; Baltic Countrys; The Baltic countrys; The Baltic Countrys; The Baltic Sea Countries; The Baltic Sea countries; Baltic Sea Countrys; The Baltic Sea Countrys; The Baltic Sea countrys; Baltic Sea countrys; Baltic sea countrys; The Baltic states; The Baltic States; The Balticum; The baltics; Baltikum; Baltic countries; Baltic States; Pribaltika; Baltic lands; Baltic nations; Balti riigid; Baltimaad; Baltijas valstis; Baltijos valstybės; Baltijos valstybes; NATO Occupied Soviet Union; Ethnic groups in the Baltic states
  • The [[Baltic Way]] was a mass anti-Soviet demonstration in 1989 where ca 25% of the total population of the Baltic countries participated
  • [[Baltic Defence College]] serves as a centre of strategic and operational research and provides [[professional military education]] to intermediate- and senior-level officers and government officials
  • [[Baltic Assembly]] session in [[Seimas Palace]], in [[Vilnius]], Lithuania
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  • According to the 1939 [[Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact]] "''the Baltic States (Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)''" were divided into German and Soviet "spheres of influence" (German copy)
  • Baltic]] (Latvia, Lithuania)}}
  • Neutral countries with military bases established by Soviet Union in October 1939}}
  • An improvised [[armoured train]] used in the Estonian War of Independence against [[Soviet Russia]], 1919
  • St. Olaf's church]] in [[Tallinn]], Estonia
  • St. Peter's Lutheran Church]], [[Riga]], Latvia
  • Downtown Tallinn]]
  • Church of St. Johns]], [[Vilnius]], Lithuania
  • Downtown Riga]]
  • Downtown Vilnius]]

Baltic States         
Los Estados Bálticos, países a lo largo de la costa sureste del mar Báltico (Estonia, Latvia y Lituania)
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  • A reclining nude on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge by Julian Opie. Similar designs were used in the ''B.OPEN'' event in Baltic.
  • Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside. The conversion of the Baltic Flour Mills was part of the wider regeneration of Gateshead in the 1990s.
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Baltic (disambiguation)
(adj.) = báltico
Ex: In recent years periodicals in English giving information on the Baltic economy, finance, and culture, have been issued for international distribution.
* Baltic countries, the = países bálticos, los
* Baltic republics, the = repúblicas bálticas, las
* Baltic Sea, the = Mar Báltico, el
* Baltic States, the = países bálticos, los; estados bálticos, los
* Baltics, the = países bálticos, los
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  • A reclining nude on the Gateshead Millennium Bridge by Julian Opie. Similar designs were used in the ''B.OPEN'' event in Baltic.
  • Newcastle and Gateshead Quayside. The conversion of the Baltic Flour Mills was part of the wider regeneration of Gateshead in the 1990s.
  • 220x220px
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Baltic (disambiguation)


part. pas.
Participio de confederar. Que entra o está en una confederación. Se utiliza también como sustantivo.


Baltic states

The Baltic states or the Baltic countries is a geopolitical term, which currently is used to group three countries: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. All three countries are members of NATO, the European Union, the Eurozone, and the OECD. The three sovereign states on the eastern coast of the Baltic Sea are sometimes referred to as the "Baltic nations", less often and in historical circumstances also as the "Baltic republics", the "Baltic lands", or simply the Baltics.

All three Baltic countries are classified as high-income economies by the World Bank and maintain a very high Human Development Index. The three governments engage in intergovernmental and parliamentary cooperation. There is also frequent cooperation in foreign and security policy, defence, energy, and transportation.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Baltic States
1. and in the Baltic states, busily intriguing
The Conspiracy That Never Dies _ Gill Bennett _ Talks at Google
2. And of course Poles, Romanians, and the Baltic states--
Russia - What happened What's next _ Olga Oliker _ Talks at Google
3. in that corridor between the Baltic states, Latvia
Lawyer’s Demistifying Murder _ William Clegg QC _ Talks at Google
4. in the Baltic states, in the Middle East,
5. 'The Baltic states, Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania called their 1989 withdrawal from the Soviet
2312 _ Kim Stanley Robinson _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Baltic States
1. Yukos controls 53.7 percent in the Baltic states‘ only refinery.
2. The EU supports the Baltic States", Rehn insists.
3. Petersburg, Omsk, Germany, Poland and the Baltic states.
4. Perhaps he meant the four jets that patrol the airspace of the Baltic states?
5. In the Baltic states, a positively pagan vibe sets in at the summer solstice.